This Week
This Week
Week 52 - Barge
Week 51 - Ode to Columbine
Week 50 - Beau and Julia
Week 49 - Shmurah Matza
Week 48 - Everyone's Going Through
Week 47 - Less Lust
Week 46 - The Queen
Week 45 - Best Friends Forever
Week 44 - The Rodeo Bull Rider
Week 43 - Mona and Ferdi
Week 42 - Calla
Week 41 - Trust
Week 40 - Good Things Are Happening Here
Week 39 - The Steer Wrestler
Week 38 - Bailaron - They Danced
Week 37 - Bonnie and Clyde
Week 36 - Awaiting Judgement
Week 35 - Lighting the Manorah
Week 34 - Santa Paws
Week 33 - The Banana and The Condom
Week 32 - The Fixer
Week 31 - Flowers Study # 2
Week 30 - Through Tinted Glasses
Week 29 - Lasso
Week 28 - Compassion
Week 27 - Twin Sisters
Week 26 - Shacharit
Week 25 - Boy Sitting on Wall
Week 24 - The Hat Shop
Week 23 - Dr Ritchie in His Study
Week 22 - Dor Vador
Week 21 - Sofia
Week 20 - Birth
Week 19 - The Making of Uncle Jim
Week 18 - Taking Flowers to the Palace
Week 17 - Son of a Preacher Man
Week 16 - Clean and Safe
Week 15 - Dog Takes Boy For A Walk
Week 14 - The Rev. Puffrock
Week 13 - Emes Bus
Week 12 - The Pigeon Boy
Week 11 - Evangelist meets Trotskyite
Week 10 - Bookends
Week 09 - Love
Week 08 - Pledge of Allegiance
Week 07 - Three English Schoolboys
Week 06 - Sopher Checking Sepher Torah
Week 05 - The Tea Dance
Week 04 - The Dummy
Week 03 - French Connection UK
Week 02 - Nation of Islam
Week 01 - Sit Here Get Lucky